(1938 - 1998)
April 14-16, 1999
Tel Aviv University
Tuesday, April 13, 1999:
Arrival and transfer to hotels
Wednesday, April 14, 1999:
8:15 Buses to Tel Aviv University
Dan-David Building, Lecture Hall 003:
9:00 - 10:30 Memorial Session
9:00 |
N. Cohen, Rector of Tel Aviv University
A. Yavin, Tel Aviv University
W. Greiner, University of Frankfurt
D. Koltun, University of Rochester |
Presentation of the Judah Eisenberg Award for Excellence to a graduate
student |
9:50 |
Y. Neeman, Tel Aviv University
From Plato and Aristotle to Einstein and the Standard Model - the story
of invariance considerations and geometry in physics
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 - 13:00 Quark-gluon plasma (1)
J. Hüfner, University of Heidelberg
Charmonium suppression in nuclear collisions
11:40 |
B. Svetitsky, Tel Aviv University
The flux-tube model of particle creation in nuclear collisions
12:20 |
I. Tserruya, Weizmann Institute
The CERES experiment: probing hot and dense nuclear matter with di-electrons
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 18:00 Quark-gluon plasma (2)
14:30 |
W. Greiner, University of Frankfurt
Structure of vacuum and elementary matter: fundamental issues
15:10 |
S. Nussinov, Tel Aviv University
Casimir effects, old and new
15:50 |
H. Jaqaman, Bethlehem University
Hot nuclear matter
16:20 Coffee break
D. Rischke, Brookhaven
Color superconductivity in dense nuclear matter
17:30 |
H. Stöcker, University of Frankfurt
Nonequilibrium quark emission and hadron ratios in relativistic heavy
ion collisions
18:10 Buses to hotels
Thursday, April 15, 1999:
8:30 Buses to Tel Aviv University
Dan-David Building Lecture Hall 003:
9:00 - 10:20 Large finite systems
J. Jortner, Tel Aviv University
A chemist's view of large finite systems
J. Maruhn, University of Frankfurt
Superheavy nuclei reinvestigated
10:20 |
D. Riska, University of Helsinki
Baryons and nuclei in the large N_c limit
11:00 Coffee break
11:20 - 13:00 Skyrmions, nucleon spin
11:20 |
M. Karliner, Tel Aviv University
Nucleon spin in the skyrmion and chiral soliton models
12:00 |
D. Drechsel, Mainz University
The spin structure of the nucleon in the resonance region
12:30 |
J. Lichtenstadt, Tel Aviv University
The spin structure of the nucleon after 10 years of experiments
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 18:00 Nuclear medium effects
14:30 |
H. Weber, University of Virginia
The proton spin based on chiral dynamics
15:10 |
D. Koltun, University of Rochester
What do mesons have to do with nuclear structure?
15:50 |
A. Gal, Hebrew University
Strangeness = -2 nuclear physics
16:30 Coffee break
17:00 |
L. Zamick, Rutgers University
Progress with schematic and realistic interactions
17:40 |
S. Gilad, MIT
Experimental studies of few-body systems with (e,e'p) reactions
18:10 Buses to hotels
19:30 Buses to Tel Aviv University
20:00 Dinner, University Faculty Club
E. Vogt, University of British Columbia and TRIUMF
N. Amit-Eisenberg, Tel Aviv University
I. Rabinovich, Tel Aviv University
May 4 and May 17 are around the corner
Friday, April 16, 1999:
8:30 Buses to Tel Aviv University
Dan-David Building Lecture Hall 003:
9:00 - 12:30 Atomic physics and quark-gluon plasma (3)
9:00 |
M. Y. Amusia, Hebrew University and Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg
Momentum transfer in photon-induced atomic processes
9:40 |
O. Schapiro, Hahn Meitner Institute, Berlin
Microcanonical phase transitions in nuclei and atomic clusters
10:10 |
M. Gorenstein, University of Kiev
Phase transitions in the gas of bags
10:40 Coffee break
Chairman: A. Yavin
11:10 |
W. Scheid, University of Giessen
e+e- pair production in relativistic heavy ion collisions
11:40 |
C. Greiner, University of Giessen
Charmonium suppression via c-cbar dissociation by strings
12:10 |
I. Zakout, Bethlehem University
Hot hypernuclear matter in the modified quark meson coupling model
12:30 Buses to hotels / Tour of Old Jaffa